On the Bus - HAPCAP

On the Bus

Bus travel can be complex. It can cause anxiety and confusion for new riders. We want our patrons to feel confident and at ease. You can find information on how to use our bus service on this page.

If you or someone you care for needs more training on how to ride the bus than the information on this site offers, one-on-one travel training might be an excellent next step for you. We provide helpful details on the Travel Training page through the Athens-Hocking Mobility Management program. Some of this training program covers the Athens Public Transit System. If you want to explore travel training, don't hesitate to contact the Mobility Coordinator at 740-767-1085.

1. Boarding the Bus

To board, wait at a marked stop. Some stops will have two signs on opposite streets per general location depending on the direction the bus is arriving. Please stand at the sign on the side of the road where the bus will be arriving. For safety reasons, APT buses will not stop for people waiting at the sign opposite the door-side of the bus. You can find the direction from which the bus will arrive on the bus map (please note the direction the arrow is pointing on the map).

Certain areas, such as The Plains and the far east side of Athens between the Market on State and Holzer, are designated hail zones.

Please wait for the driver to open the door when the bus arrives. As you climb the stairs carefully, place your fare money in the farebox directly before you. Remember, you must pay your fare before finding a seat. If you're paying in cash, have the exact fare ready. Our drivers do not carry change. Checks and credit cards are not accepted.

apt bus stop
APT driver operating door
APT bus fare

2. Seating

After paying your fare, please find a seat quickly. 

Bus courtesy is to leave the front seats vacant for senior citizens or people with disabilities who may board after you. If you are seated, please remain vigilant for senior passengers or those with a disability, and kindly offer them your seat. This act of consideration and accommodation is instrumental in fostering the positive atmosphere we strive for. 

Seatbelts are available for use on bus seats. If the bus is crowded and you find yourself standing, it's crucial to maintain a secure hold on the upright or overhead pole grips for your safety. Athens roads can be bumpy.

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APT Bus seatbelt March 21, 2024 copy
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3. Signaling Your Stop

When you get within one to two blocks of your destination, notify the driver that you want to get off the bus by telling them where you want to be let off or by pulling the yellow stop request cord on the wall next to your seat. Gather your belongings and wait for the bus to stop. Once you exit, quickly move away from the bus to allow the driver to close the door. Please cross the street behind the vehicle rather than in front so as not to cause any delays for other passengers.

Exiting the APT Bus March 21, 2024

Using Bikes and APT

APT buses have bike racks that make transporting bicycles from one stop to another possible!

Before boarding the bus, please load your bike onto the bike rack. Once you have reached your stop, please unload your bike from the bus and move off the road. As usual, please do not cross the street in front of the bus for your safety and to avoid delays.

APT Bus approaching 2 - March 21, 2024
Bike on APT BUS copy
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