Hockhocking Adena Bikeway and Bicycle Information - HAPCAP

Hockhocking Adena Bikeway and Bicycle Information

City of Athens Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

Plan Overview Map
View Map (PDF)

Bike Rentals & Bike Shops

Athens County Public Libraries Book-A-Bike
Visit Athens County Public Library

Athens Bicycle
Visit Athens Bicycle

Cycle Path Bicycles
Visit Athens Cycle Path

Black Diamond Bicycles
Visit Black Diamond Bicycles

The Pedaler & The Packer
Visit The Pedaler & The Packer

The Athens Bicycle Cooperative
Athens, Ohio has a non-profit organization of volunteers that fix and play with bikes. The intent being to create a community of people who can enjoy bikes to their fullest.
Visit Athens Bike Co-op Blog
Email: athensbikecooperative@gmail.com

ShadeTree Bike Works
30 First Street
Athens, OH 45701
Cusi Gibbons-Ballew: (740) 818-5421
Nate Ebert: (740) 856-9388

18 Euclid Dr.
Athens, OH 45701
Eric Cornwell: (740) 707-9719

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