March for Meals Community Champion, 2021: Mathews Insurance - HAPCAP
All HAPCAP offices will be CLOSED on Monday January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will re-open at normal time on Tuesday January 21.

March for Meals Community Champion, 2021: Mathews Insurance

Mathews Insurance has been open since 1945. I moved here in 2010 to go to OU, and then started working at Mathew’s in 2013 and I’ve been here ever since. We work with all ages here at the agency. We are a resource for our older community for life insurance and their personal insurance.

A lot of our seniors don’t have access to the internet, so it’s been difficult for them to even come pay their bills or communicate with us during the pandemic. I can’t imagine how being so alienated would have affected me if I was an older person during these times. It must be extremely difficult not being able to see family members or to go out into the community without the fear of getting sick, or even seeing somebody else not taking precautions to protect you. Our seniors raised us. They are a part of our community too. They’ve done their part in supporting our community over the years, and it’s our turn to take over and support them. I hope that when I’m older, I can receive the same help and resources that we try to provide for our seniors.

I think that’s why the social aspect of the Meals on Wheels program is so important and amazing. I have a personal connection to it with my grandfather, who lives about 3 hours away from us, and Meals on Wheels was sometimes the only contact he would have. It’s hard for me to get over there from 3 hours away with a newborn, and so it was really important to me that he was able to have that resource and to know that he was being fed and that he could eat when he was not able to get up and use the stove.

We really enjoy working with HAPCAP. We’ve always been a supporter of them, but we’ve never really made it vocal before. What we’re hoping to do this year is vocalize some of these organizations we support already and hopefully get others interested in supporting them too.

Alysia Brooks

Agent, Mathews Insurance

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