Athens Public Transit Service Changes - HAPCAP

Athens Public Transit Service Changes

NEWS RELEASE – Starting Saturday, November 21st Athens Public Transit will implement the following service changes:

  • Line 7a (Albany to/from Athens) and Line 7n (Nelsonville to/from Athens) will run once every two hours rather than once per hour.
  • Reduced Saturday service:
    Line 2–9:30 am-5:30 pm
    Line 3–8:45 am-5:00pm
    Line 4–8:45 am-4:45pm
    Line 5–9:15am–5:30pm
    Line 6–9:02am–5:00pm
    Line 7–8:45am–4:45pm

If you or a loved one need assistance with transportation options during this pandemic please contact the Athens County Mobility Manager, Jessie Schmitzer, at or 740-589-3790.