Transit Development Plan - HAPCAP

Transit Development Plan

transit survey logo
Photo of an AODT driver helping a rider exit the van.

Help us understand your transit needs and priorities!

Over the past few months, the project team has gathered information about the existing transit services and feedback from the community through an online survey, a survey of existing transit riders, community meetings, and focused discussions with stakeholders.

Using what we have learned through this process, two conceptual service scenarios have been developed for how Athens Public Transit (APT) fixed route service could be provided in the future. Help us determine our TOP priorities by taking the survey below!

Help us plan for Athens County's new Transit Development Plan!

Hocking, Athens, and Perry County Community Action (HAPCAP) is developing a new Transit Development Plan (TDP) to understand the needs of and better serve the growing community. The new plan will help Athens Public Transit (APT) and Athens On Demand Transit support people taking the bus throughout Athens County, including Athens, The Plains, Chauncey, Albany and Nelsonville. hat you share will help us provide safe and reliable transportation services for residents, workers, and visitors to the community over the next decade.

What will be in the new Plan?

The new plan will look at Athens Public Transit and Athens On Demand connections, then compare them to what the community needs today and in the future. The plan will also serve as a blueprint for future expansions and changes to transit services and help HAPCAP plan for longer-term improvements to transit services.

Project Schedule

chart showing stages of the project ending in the final report out in August 2024.

Project Resources

As the project progresses, documents, detailing findings, and recommendations will be posted here.

Contact Us

Please contact Carolyn Conley at or 740-767-4500 with any comments, questions, or concerns. We want to answer your questions and hear your ideas on how we can better improve Athens Public Transit and Athens On Demand Transit.

Athens on Demand Transit

We need your input!
