Sunset Shelter Project - HAPCAP

Sunset Shelter Project

Sunset Shelter Project Logo
Photo of the Sunset Motel sign

Your Voice Matters

Together, we’re creating a safe and supportive shelter for our neighbors who need it most. Your feedback will help us ensure that this shelter reflects our community’s compassion and strength, providing the care and support that truly makes a difference.

This approach ensures that the Sunset Shelter Project is built not just FOR the community, but BY the community.

The most effective solutions are the product of participatory change making.  Project Co-Create's Housing Security Group is a coalition of community members and organizations committed to designing and implementing solutions to housing insecurity in Athens County. Through shared resources, fundraising, and collaborative problem-solving, the group is working towards long-term, sustainable solutions while addressing immediate gaps and opportunities.

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Complex Problems Require Collaborative Solutions

The Sunset Shelter Project is a collaborative initiative addressing the needs of our community by providing safe, temporary shelter where individuals living without stable housing are empowered to rebuild their lives with dignity and support.


Housing insecurity has surged since the pandemic, fueled by decades of underinvestment in affordable housing, healthcare, and community-based services. In our region, this is made worse by a lack of affordable housing and living-wage jobs. This crisis doesn't just affect those in need of emergency shelter; it has serious consequences for the entire community. Without coordinated action to address these challenges, the situation will continue to worsen for everyone involved. We must act now—solutions are needed to ensure a healthy and vibrant community.


  • Fall 2024: Hocking Athens Perry Community Action (HAPCAP) is awarded funding to purchase & renovate the Sunset Motel on Columbus Road.
  • Fall 2024 - Winter 2025: Community invited to collaborate & join the Sunset Shelter Project.
  • Throughout 2025: Continue community conversations & consult with organizations who have experience and expertise while building renovations are underway.
  • Winter 2026: Finalize operational plans and practices for a safe, supportive shelter which the entire community can be proud of.
  • Spring 2026: Open and operate shelter in partnership with established service providers.

The Funding

HAPCAP was awarded funds to purchase and renovate the Sunset Motel. Funding comes from the HOME American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) Non-Congregate Shelter program, which is administered by the Ohio Department of Development. The program helps agencies like HAPCAP provide a safe and private living environment for people experiencing homelessness by supporting the creation and expansion of non-congregate shelters across Ohio.

Interested in connecting with the Sunset Shelter Project?
Email us at or call (740) 767-1061.

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