Visiting a Pantry - HAPCAP

Visiting a Pantry

Food pantries are places where people who need food and other important things can go. If you've never been to one before, it might feel a little scary or confusing. But don't worry, we're here to make it easier for you!

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Click the button to the left to go to a searchable listing of food pantries in your area, called FreshTrak. For more details on how to use FreshTrak, please see the information below.

How to use FreshTrak:

To locate food pantries in your area using FreshTrak, start by entering your household zip code in the search bar. When you do, a “Refine your results” section will appear. You can select the distance you’d like to search and choose the type of service category (all, prepack pantry, choice pantry, or produce). The default settings are 10 miles and all service categories.

Once you are happy with the search settings, click “Search for Resources.” Underneath the search bar, you will see information about your local foodbank. To see the food pantries, scroll down to “Resource Events Serving Residents of Zip Code _____.”

Food distribution events will be listed in order of date, with the most recent upcoming date listed first.

A foodbank is a nonprofit that stores large amounts of food from federal commodities, state food programs and donations to give to local food distribution sites, such as food pantries. They hire drivers to deliver the food to their communities. Foodbanks come in different sizes. Each foodbank serves a geographic region and works to fight hunger in their area.

Food pantries are independent locations in the community that give food to people who need it. They get their food from foodbanks and help hundreds each week. There are different kinds of pantries to fit each community's needs, like prepacked or choose-your-own pantries, as well as mobile and fixed-location pantries.

What to do when you arrive:

When you arrive at a food pantry, you will need ID and proof of address to show to the attendant at the entrance. Some pantries may ask for proof of identity for children if you are requesting to receive formula or diapers.

All pantries listed on FreshTrak provide assistance for households with income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Food pantries will not require proof of income; you only need to attest that your household’s income falls below the FPL for your household size. Please refer to this chart.

Eligibility for food pantries is different than eligibility for SNAP benefits. If you do not qualify for SNAP, you could still qualify for assistance at a food pantry.  

After checking in with the attendant, you will receive information on when you may return to that specific food pantry (this does not apply to other food pantries).

people at food pantry

What is available at food pantries?

Some food pantries will have boxes or bags prepared for each visitor and a selection of fresh produce, frozen meats, and household items (menstrual products, toiletries, school supplies, etc.). There are also a few choice pantries where you may be given a choice of available items.

Pet food may be available for pet owners.

Please note: available items can be limited by what the foodbank receives from federal and state food programs or other community donations. 

pantry produce

Other Information:

You do not have to be eligible for or use SNAP to qualify for food assistance at food pantries.

You do not need to be of the same faith as a food distribution location or be required to attend service in order to receive food assistance.

You may pick up food for another person. Food pantries require that you sign/provide a letter of proxy.

food pantry logan