Affordable Housing Programs - HAPCAP

Affordable Housing Programs

Affordable Housing Programs

  • The Community Housing Impact and Preservation Program (CHIP) provides funding for a flexible, community-wide approach to improve and provide affordable housing for low- and moderate-income people, and strengthen neighborhoods through community collaboration. The program goals are achieved through project activities such as private owner rehabilitation; rental rehabilitation; homeownership; home repair; and homelessness prevention. 
  • The Ohio Housing Finance Agency administers the Housing Development Assistance Program (HDAP) to provide financing for eligible housing developments to expand the supply of decent, safe, affordable housing for very low- to moderate-income persons and households in the state of Ohio. 
  • Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Competitive Operating Grant Program provides operating support to organizations to continue affordable housing development. The Ohio Housing Finance Agency administers the CHDO, which is funded through the HOME Program.